About Us

The Dobra's Aviiray was founded by the Dobrav's Family.  We began our Aviary in March 2006 because they realized their unending Love for Birds.  If you are a parrot owner, ask yourself this question: When was the last time you took a vacation?  You probably haven't in a long time because you haven't been able to find anyone to watch over your birds that you can trust! 
Since then there has been an increased service of boarding for Birds.  We have specialized experience with bird species.

Code of Conduct
  • I will treat every pet as if it were my own.
  • I will be dependable and responsible at all times.
  • I will have an honest and trustworthy relationship with my customers.
  • I will respect and protect my customer's home and property.
  • I will always keep my promises and fulfill my commitments.

History of project

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Our users

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